For a limited time, selected 2024-25 replica shirts and Kappa training wear are discounted in the CityStore – either online or in-person on home match days.
Adult away shirt: Was £49.99, now £34.99
Adult third shirt: Was £49.99, now £34.99
Adult Ghiolo polo shirt: Was £34.99, now £24.99
Adult Guillo track jacket: Was £47.99, now £24.99
Womens Barla polo shirt: Was £29.99, now £17.99
Womens Daccia hoody: Was £46.99, now £29.99
Youths Bali hoody: Was £34.99, now £24.99
Youths Brizzo t-shirt: Was £22.99, now £14.99
To order online – Click Here